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Enhanced Security

Friday, October 11, 2024 9 Tishrei 5785

All DayAY Edison

Dear Friends,

We hope that this letter finds you and your entire family safe and well.

Due to the current situation, the Board, under advisement from the Security Committee has decided to continue having armed security at Shul during Shabbat Tefillot. As we have reached the end of our security grant funding, all costs will come from directly from the Shul's operating budget. Thanks to the generosity of one our members, the initial costs have been covered, but this is still quite an expensive endeavor. 

We encourage anyone who feels that they want to and are able to contribute to our security efforts to please do so.

Choose your desired sponsorship level below. You may pick a level multiple time to reached a desired sponsorship that may not be shown. (For example you can choose to sponsor 2 hours or 3 shifts, etc.)

They you in advance, for allowing us to strive to make Shabbat Minyan attendees to feel more confident in their choice to come to Shul and feel safer and more protected while at Shul.

Hashem Yishmor Aleinu V'Al Kol Beit Yisrael!

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Sat, September 28 2024 25 Elul 5784